Monday, November 2, 2015

Who can lead US to a Sustainable Future

We are quickly approaching critical points in our nation's future.  We are not alone, the world is on a path where the world we are leaving our grandchildren will not be as livable as today's world.  Here are a few things to ponder as you think about the current crop of Presidential candidates.

Food supply and world population
Refugees due to ocean rise
Clean water shortages
Social Security and Medicare
Equal rights and equal access
Health Care
Innovation and technology

There are no easy solutions to any of these issues.  We all know they are broken, yet when there is talk of fixing them a common response is a version of "not in my backyard" or don't touch mine.

Here is my short look at a few of the issue.  I know that many will disagree and I admit that I am not an expert, but you do not have to be to understand these issues.

Social Security and Medicare:  I think everyone agrees there is a lack of sustainability in these programs.  However, the solutions are very divided.  I along with many of us, do not want to see our benefits reduced or the amount we pay increased.  But something has to give.  From my view, we should continue to deduct SS from paychecks for all wages and saleries.  Ending the limit, currently around 115k, will not really impact anyone's current financial situation.  I always found it ironic that the CEO met this oblication in his 1st paycheck.  The workforce is also changing.  Many more people will be self contractors or free-lance professionals.  Since employers pay 1/2 of the SS tax, some thought should be given to this group and how the SS tax impacts them.  How do we sustain this for future generations?

I admit that I have a lot to learn about Medicare and health care.  There are many facets to consider.  We in the USA have many health care systems from employer based to medicaid to medicare to the VA.  Each has it's own rules and organization and things they do well and things they do not.  Some groups are pushing for a single payer system like Medicare to be the norm.  Others, even those on Medicare, want the government out of the market.  I don't know the solution, but we need to share in it.

Food Supply:  I recently attended a class led by agriculture experts.  One of their points was that given the forecasted population growth, world food production needs to increase by 70% over the next few decades.  Wow!.  What can we do?  We should probably all be growing veggies in our backyards and teaching this as a school class.  Beyond polotics and government, sustainability can be improved with little actions.

Clean Water:  At a recent event, experts discussed the risks to clean water in SE North Carolina.  Salt water as well as pollution pose risks to our clean water.  The water system purifies surface water that we use and returns it even cleaner downstream.  Should we re-use our now clean household water?  In many ways we, who live downstream, already do.  In addition, all the stuff collected by stormwater that goes down the sewer, ends up untreated in our rivers.  Think about that when you want to send leaves and fertilizer down the street sewer.

Education:  With all the challenges ahead, why do our leaders continually attack education, educators and education funding?  NC is now about the worst state for teachers, yet the governor wonders why companies are not locating here.  We all need to invest in the future.  This also means that as parents,we need to be learners and educators at home.  Life-long learning, whether in formal classes or online or MOOCS is a great avenue.  I truly wish I had started years ago, but did not always have time or commitment.  However, when the kids were little, homework was stressed as was reading.  I think this sets a good foundation.  Also, go to the kid's school.  We used to have to pick up report cards at school and then the teachers were available to talk with.  I bet that over 1/2 of the cards were never picked up.  We  made it a point to always go and talk to the teachers.  And we saw the same parents each year, hello Cunnunghams.

The point is, which candidates have real solutions.  Do some fact checking,  Question candidate.  Go to meetings.  You can influence the outcome.  Do not be afraid to question.  Get involved.  Vote.  Talk to your community.  This is our future.  Lets make it livble and sustainable.

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