Sunday, August 16, 2020

Close the gate

 I have had or heard this conversation several times in the 6.5 years that we have lived in Wilmington.  Here is a replay from today.

I was taking my morning walk in River Lights.  It is a new community that will eventually be 2400 homes.  To build the homes closer to the river they even moved River Road.  It has several communities within the development.  Recently, they started building condos and town homes within the front part near the road.

So, I pass a person on a bike who begins complaining how terrible this is and how all kinds of people are moving because this is not why they moved here.  Now theses are not really cheap as they begin at about 250k.  In addition, they are connected by another new road to the village which has about 6-8 multi story townhomes and apartments.  This includes a retail center and a park.  A park we frequent and enjoy (including movies and concerts with Luthor).

So, why do people move to an area and start to complain about everyone else moving there.  I see this all the time.  There is no magical gate to close.

The city has a long range plan that endorses more compact and dense design.  This type of intensity is intended to make our community more walkable.  Walkability is a desire expressed in almost all cities with a master plan.  Which means it is a desire many of us have.  It can also reduce car us which is the leading cause of greenhouse gasses.  I think of the neighborhood I grew up in and often express to planners and council members how I could walk to small commercial hubs on 99th or 103rd st.  On my block there were many 2 and 3 unit building mixed in with single family.  Today this is called the missing middle because so many communities have zoned them out to favor single family homes on large lots.

So, closing the gate to people who want to live in our community is not the answer.  Perhaps better design 20 years ago was the answer.  And perhaps better design and a little more of an open mind can find room for the missing middle.