Monday, March 23, 2015

The World is run by those who show up....and vote

The 2016 Presidential campaign has begun.  Although in realty is has never really ended.  However, we now see states like Wisconsin, where we moved from, to North Carolina, our new home, that are making it harder to vote.  Those pushing this agenda are claiming it is to prevent voter fraud.  However, there are almost no proven cases of this happening.  In reality, it is a move based on fear to preserve power.

Voting does matter.  In the last County Commissioner race, the results were close enough for recounts.  You may say, it is only a county race, but county and local offices hold significant power.  They can control money on a local level and also have a wide say in education matters.  This ranges from banned books to the AP History class.

The county board also controls (at least to some degree) permits.  Sometimes these permits control what type of industry moves in.  In New Hanover County, there is widespread support to never grant a permit to Titan Cement.  And, while they would have to go through a federal process, the last line may be the county commissioner.  So, it is important to register and to vote.

And from my view, some of the potential candidates have views that should scare all of us.  I do not want to go back to a feudal society, but I truly believe some want to take us there.

If you have not registered to vote, go do so now.  There is no reason to wait.  It is a simple, but important process.  And when the day comes, go out and vote.  It is a right that was hard fought, not just as the USA was formed but as recently as the women's right to vote.

The world is run by those who vote.  Vote so you can rule the world.  It makes a difference.